• Vidya Kharishma Fakultas Industri Kreatif dan Telematika, Universitas Trilogi
  • Ulfa Septiana Fakultas Industri Kreatif dan Telematika, Universitas Trilogi
Keywords: eco print, early childhood education, teacher environmentally friendly art.


One of early childhood education that can help children to convey ideas and imagination is art. Eco-print is a
technique of art that utilizes natural materials as its ingredients. It has the potential to be a teaching material
in early childhood education so children can appreciate and learns environmentally friendly art by harness the
natural material around them. However, an eco-print lesson in early childhood education is still scarce due to
the lack of teaching materials and the lack of the teacher’s knowledge, specifically about eco-print techniques
for early childhood education. This problem initiates the author to design training and teaching materials about
eco-print techniques for teachers of early childhood education. Before the training conduct, there will be
research preparation, analysis of participant needs, trial and error design of the eco print. After then, evaluation
conduct between trainer and participant. Based on an analysis of participant needs, the best eco-print
technique for this training is hammering, which is the most straightforward eco-print technique. However, the
hammering technique, which usually uses a hammer, is replaced with pestle wood because it is safer for
children. The implementation of training was carried successfully in the South Jakarta through the POSDAYA
community. The result shows that teachers can accept the teaching materials due to the nature of its easy
implementation, easily obtained material, and safety procedures.
